Friday, August 8, 2014

Summer school: the pros and cons

If you search a picture for summer school on google, this image will pop up:
Um excuse me summer school propaganda people, I can detect your lies.
Pros (sadly there aren’t much)

·         5 hours of school is a shorter amount of time than a regular school day

·         it's only three weeks so basically 15 days

·         you can get credit for classes you missed/ choose to take for other reasons

·         you can change a lower grade you got for a class

·         you get snacks for "free"!

Cons (they rebuttal almost all of the pros)

·         sure it's only 5 hours a day, BUT keep in mind that you are only taking one class. Over the school year your take ap7 classes that are about one hour long each. Also, you basically have to stay seated the whole time with minimal breaks and it can get Very and I mean VERY boring. Especially if you aren't interested in the subject.

·         it's only three weeks long, but keep in mind a whole semester is around 3-4 months. So for each day you are actually learning a few days to a weeks worth of stuff. It may only be 15 days, but the huge amount of things you learn mean you have to do a huge amount of homework. Even the weekends get stressful, so you can change your idea of 15 days to 21 days of stressful homework and boring classes.

·         you can't afford to not pay attention. Even if you find the class horribly uninteresting, you will have to pay attention and take good notes, otherwise you will fail. Unless you are a genius with perfect memory, I suggest taking notes. I literally finished a fifth of my once empty notebook in six days.

·         you also have way less time to do big projects that are a huge part of you grade.

·         tests happen at least once a week

·         you can't get extra credit (this was for my particular teacher, I don't know if others are different)

·         you have to pay extra money for summer school. If you go to a public school, the government pays for your education so you can get it for free, but during the summer you are on your own. That isn't to say that people who aren't financially stable won't get scholarships. I just want to point out that if you fail a class and are required to pay for summer school and your family can afford it,
·         you will make your parents spend a lot of extra money on you. I don't know about you, but I would rather use money to but things I like if I can get my education for free.

·         your "free" snacks aren't really free because as I just said above, you have to pay huge amount to get in. Also if you eat the snacks they provide you, you can get fat. One reason is because as I also said before, you are sitting in a sad plastic chair for 5 hours with little breaks for stretching. You become less active since you won't have as much time to exercise afterwards because of homework and you will get fatter. This won't happen to everyone, but I'm just brainstorming the negative effects of summer school to try to warn people.

·         you have to wake up early and actually go to class

·         you're at school or you have to study while your friends are having fun and making social interactions.

In the end I made summer school seem like a horrible thing, but if you are someone who is required to take this class, it's not the end of the world. In fact I would like to say that the extra work and stress is actually effecting me positively in that I am developing better time management skills and studying  methods.
Bonus pro: while your friends are having fun, they are losing some knowledge, while you are learning more. Therefore when school starts, you will be better prepared for getting up early and doing school related things.

Hope this little rant/ inspirational motivation was helpful in some way.

Have a great summer to everyone, even those currenltly in summer school. Know that I feel your pain, and support whatever you are choosing to do. ( even though I have no idea who you are/ who am I talking to)

I should stop rambling now



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